SUPPOrT our dental clinic

The Society of SVdP Prescott Community Dental Clinic is a 501(c)(3) Charity under ARS 42-5061(a)(25)(e).
Monetary and in-kind donations are essential to the dental clinic's success in serving the most vulnerable adults in our community. In order to provide a positive experience for our patients, we rely on donations to support our operating expenses, equipment and supplies. Our ever-growing needs for operatory supplies range from masks, mirrors, and bibs, to sterilization equipment and x-ray supplies, etc... We're grateful for all contributions. They will be put towards the improvement of our clinic and providing optimal care.
Volunteer as a provider
Join our clinic as a hygienist, dental assistant, office personnel, or practicing doctor. Volunteers are always welcomed, and will be able to work with patients first hand through their treatment plan. As we begin to host patients of Yavapai County, we are excited to unite dental healthcare providers from across the state via the satisfaction of service.
In Person
Please write your check to:
SVdP District 10
Community Dental Clinic.
Drop at the Prescott office on:
M, T, Th 9am-12pm & W 12pm-4pm
120 N. Summit Ave
Prescott, AZ 86301
By Mail
Please mail your check written payable to SVdP District 10 Community Dental Clinic to the following address:
P.O. Box 26253
Prescott Valley, AZ 86312